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    Viribus Unitis

    Ist der Leitspruch der Federfechter und prägt den Zusammenhalt des Vereins. Ausgebildet an so manchen Waffen begeistern wir Jung und Alt.

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    Mit dem Katzbalger an die Gurgel

    Die Basisausrüstung darf an keinem Landsknecht fehlen.

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    Ohne Mampf keinen Kampf

    Ein Söldnertrupp sollte immer gut versorgt sein.

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The Federfechter at your festivity

Duell mit dem Schwert

In the fencing performances, which are integrated into a historical framework story of a 20-minute stage play, fencing with the long sword, short sword, halberd in the style of the German masters or fencing with dagger and rapier in the style of the old Italian masters is demonstrated faithfully. In addition, the corresponding ways of life on site will also be presented in an appealing camp. Expert sutlers and lansquenets will be happy to answer questions from interested members of the public about the weapons on display, fencing and life in the period depicted.

We convey the philosophy of fencing at historical festivals, markets and other events, in open spaces, on stages or in confined areas. The costumes, weapons, armour, tents and camp equipment of the group are based as far as possible on the surviving originals of the period depicted.

Flag-wavers and drummers form the appropriate framework for the performance of duels and scenic productions with up to 8 fencers active at the same time.

The Association

Landsknechte beim Ansturm

Viribus Unitis. With combined forces.

Our name and motto are derived from the fencing guild of the same name, founded in the 16th century under the name of the Feather Fencers. Since 1996, the focus of our activities has therefore been on training and demonstrations of show fighting techniques closely based on fencing techniques of the time.

The group internalises and trains fencing once a week in the tradition of old fencing masters such as Albrecht Dürer, Johannes Lichtenauer, Hans Talhofer and Achille Marozzo. Always looking for new enthusiastic fencers, actors and fans of Landsknechtsleben.